Friday, August 3, 2012
West Set Stage For Syrian Invasion.
The sudden resignation of UN peace envoy Kofi Annan from the peace efforts circle in Syria which evidently materialized under duress from the US government has caused extreme joy in Washington officials who now see this as a sign that the international community is prone to accept that Syrian President Bashar Assad had to go and that the peace efforts would eventually reach a cul-de-sac.
Likewise, the move has caused frustration in those who had pinned their hopes on the possible fruition of these efforts and those who had been resistant to see Syria as another potential Iraq for US military expeditions.
The Syrian foreign ministry expressed “regrets” at Annan’s announcement, saying, “The countries seeking to destabilize Syria are the ones that impeded and continue to impede the mission.”
Russia expressed sorrow over Annan’s departure. Russia's Ambassador to the United Nations Vitaly Churkin said on Thursday his country regrets Annan's decision to step down.
"We understand that it's his decision," Churkin told reporters. "We regret that he chose to do so. We have supported very strongly Kofi Annan's efforts. He has another month to go, and I hope this month is going to be used as effectively as possible under these very difficult circumstances."
Besides, Annan’s resignation has afforded Washington and its western allies the latitude to heap blame on China and Russia for what they claim to be an obstruction of democracy in Syria.
The United States on Thursday blamed China and Russia for the resignation of UN peace envoy Kofi Annan on the refusal of the two countries to back resolutions targeting Syrian President Bashar Assad.
White House spokesman Jay Carney said, “His resignation highlights the failure in the United Nations Security Council of Russia and China to support meaningful resolutions against Assad that would have held Assad accountable for his failure to abide by the Annan plan."
"Those vetoes... were highly regrettable and placed both Russia and China on the wrong side of history and the wrong side of the Syrian people."
For its part, said on Thursday said Kofi Annan's resignation was partly due to China and Russia's opposition to sanctions on the Damascus regime. German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle also said President Bashar Assad had not lived up to its vows to implement Annan's peace plan.
"It is clear that Kofi Annan relinquished his mandate in part because of the deadlock in the UN Security Council, of which Russia and China" are permanent members, a statement said.
"It is high time that Russia and China stop shielding" Assad, it said.
Annan’s words upon his abrupt resignation are fraught with secret fear, "When the Syrian people desperately need action, there continues to be finger pointing and name calling in the Security Council," Annan said. "It is impossible for me or anyone to compel the Syrian government and also the opposition to take the steps to bring about the political process. As an envoy, I can't want peace more than the protagonists, more than Security Council or the international community, for that matter."
Now with Annan’s resignation and the emerging void to be filled by a third party in order to resolve the crisis in Syria, Washington seems to be gaining firm foothold in the Security Council to push for a military invasion.
British Foreign Secretary William Hague has said the UK will increase the assistance it is giving to Syrian opposition forces in the coming weeks. In other words, the UK has already been giving out financial and military help to the insurgents in Syria.
British media confirm that military chiefs in London are already drawing up contingency plans if the UK ever decides to deploy troops to Syria and that the former Special Air Service (SAS) soldiers are training the insurgents in Syria in military tactics from weapon handling, leadership and the use of communications systems to tackle the Syrian government. more
Reuters Pull Artice : Rebel Resistance Collapses In Key Suburbs
Many thanks to Maya via twitter
Maya Naser @nasermaya
Maya Naser
Here is a very interesting development from Reuters which was taken down from their site as quick as it was posted. I had read it, went to check another article, came back and it was gone! Several Google feeds that picked up the story have also lost their feed. Anyhow I found a message board where someone did a copy & paste, so grateful he/she did!
Major development indeed and check out the video or Syrian Army reinforcements being deployed to Aleppo. Doesn't look like an army that is in anyway stretched or short of resources. Looks like the NATO rats are about to get few cans of whoop-ass opened on them this weekend!
Major development indeed and check out the video or Syrian Army reinforcements being deployed to Aleppo. Doesn't look like an army that is in anyway stretched or short of resources. Looks like the NATO rats are about to get few cans of whoop-ass opened on them this weekend!
Rebel resistance collapses in key suburbs
The Syrian rebels fighting the forces of Assad have fallen in key districts of their stronghold Salah Al Deen in Aleppo. This comes hours after the army has announced that it has destroyed the communication network provided by Turkey. Earlier the rebel forces have complained that they are running low on ammunition as the city has been completely surrounded by government forces, coupled with lack of communications, has left the rebels in disarray. Several trucks with mounted heavy machine guns have been destroyed, leading to the deaths of 20 rebels.
According to footage on the ground, the rebel forces in Aleppo have failed to take Aleppo Citadel, contrary to earlier reported news. A journalist on the ground, Hussein Murtada, has reported that an attempt to damage the ancient Citadel’s walls by rebel missiles was repelled by security forces, resulting in the death of General Mustafa Al Sheikh and Abdul Jabar Aqede, field Marshals of the Free Syrian Army in Aleppo.
Columns of Syrian tanks were seen entering the city earlier in the day, suggesting that the army was ready to route out all resistance in the western districts which have presence of rebel forces who have evicted residents from the more at link provided above article...
The Syrian rebels fighting the forces of Assad have fallen in key districts of their stronghold Salah Al Deen in Aleppo. This comes hours after the army has announced that it has destroyed the communication network provided by Turkey. Earlier the rebel forces have complained that they are running low on ammunition as the city has been completely surrounded by government forces, coupled with lack of communications, has left the rebels in disarray. Several trucks with mounted heavy machine guns have been destroyed, leading to the deaths of 20 rebels.
According to footage on the ground, the rebel forces in Aleppo have failed to take Aleppo Citadel, contrary to earlier reported news. A journalist on the ground, Hussein Murtada, has reported that an attempt to damage the ancient Citadel’s walls by rebel missiles was repelled by security forces, resulting in the death of General Mustafa Al Sheikh and Abdul Jabar Aqede, field Marshals of the Free Syrian Army in Aleppo.
Columns of Syrian tanks were seen entering the city earlier in the day, suggesting that the army was ready to route out all resistance in the western districts which have presence of rebel forces who have evicted residents from the more at link provided above article...
Whoever Controls The Media - Controls The War.
When A War Is Destined To Be Fought There Is No Stopping It
This is a very unhappy statement, we know; but completely true nevertheless. Think about the role of the MSM in the run up to the War in Iraq in 2003. Everyone knew it was based on bald-faced lies, contrived falsehoods and miscellaneous fabrications. And yet it proceeded in the face of great worldwide opposition. A very unfortunate situation indeed, especially in light of the current predicament in Iraq.
Were one to dissect the entire role of the MSM in the execution of this crime against humanity, its culpability would be quite obvious and thoroughly damning. Simply put, without the media there would not have been a blatant war of aggression waged upon the people of Iraq. Ditto that for Afghanistan … and Libya … and Serbia … and Pakistan … and Viet Nam … and Korea … … …
As the title of this essays implies, whoever controls the media controls the switch for starting and ending every war, conflict and minor skirmish, anywhere on the planet. About this fact of of life, there is no doubt. Likewise, we see on the flip side of ‘peace’ that the MSM controls the myriad conflicts and dramas which abound in every form of media, even throughout the alternative news media (through the process of media referral and reflex*). How difficult is it to separate fact from fiction on so many alternative news sites? Many websites have been co-opted and don’t even know it. Unwittingly, some alternative sites serve the very same purpose as the MSM of which they profess their vow to expose.
*Alternative media reflex is the anticipated reaction of the alternative media to fake stories in the MSM which often serves to legitimize them. MSMedia referral is the outright exportation of fraudulent stories from the MSM to the alternative media carried with more ‘depth and context’ thereby giving them credibility.
When we say that there is no stopping the force of destiny, particularly with regard to the waging of war, what are we really saying?
By way of illustration, we need only to look at the presidential elections of 2000 and 2004. In both instances, the MSM played the vital role in ensuring that each election would be stolen outright by a proud warmonger. Even though votes were not properly counted, a Supreme Court rubber stamps an obviously fraudulent election. However, there are two critical points which cannot be overlooked. Each concerns the inviolable laws karma and destiny.
I. A nation always gets the leadership it deserves per the laws of national karma and the outworking of personal destinies. No exceptions granted except by highly exceptionalDivine Decree.
II. The leadership, which guarantees that war will be waged when its time has come, will always be installed regardless of the illegal or immoral means when it is time for war to be declared.
This second statement is a tough one, especially for all us peacemakers. Let’s fast forward to 2008 and evaluate what the Noble Peace Prize winner Barack Obama has done in the war department??? Let’s take a very close look at Afghanistan … Iraq … Iran … Pakistan … Libya … Syria … Honduras (rubber stamped a coup d’etat) … Paraguay (rubber stamped a coup d’etat) … as well as the numerous, clandestine acts of USA militarism all over Africa.
The Biggest Culprit of ’em all
When the Old Gray Lady* – the New York Times – is responsible for starting more wars than any other single newspaper in world history, you know we have a serious problem. The NYT is supposed to be the bastion of liberal, progressive, democratic thought and sentiment (supposedly anti-war???) … and yet it is directly responsible for more wartime deaths worldwide than any other print media on the face of the planet … for all time! more.
Dr.Bashar AlJaafari's word's at the UN 3/8/12
Published on 3 Aug 2012 by anti3ar3our
كلمة الدكتور بشار الجعفري 3 8 2012.
اتحاد القنوات السورية على اليوتيوب
شبكة منقول الإخبارية،شبكة اخبار طرطوس,شبكة شام المؤيدة,حلب نيوز،من أجلك سوريا الأسد،جنود الاسد،سيريا تيوب، السوريون على اليوتيوب,The Truth about Syria
اتحاد القنوات السورية على اليوتيوب
شبكة منقول الإخبارية،شبكة اخبار طرطوس,شبكة شام المؤيدة,حلب نيوز،من أجلك سوريا الأسد،جنود الاسد،سيريا تيوب، السوريون على اليوتيوب,The Truth about Syria
Syrian TV reporter, Kareem Shibani, is injured by gunmen while covering clashes in Tadamun Suburb, Damascus
Via Twitter
Ahmad Al-Issa @ahmadalissa
Ahmad Al-Issa
Syrian TV reporter, Kareem Shibani, is injured by gunmen while covering clashes in Tadamun Suburb, Damascus (
Turkey Arms NATO Backed Terrorists With Anti Aircraft Missiles.
US Officials Fear Weapons Could Be Used on Civilian Aircraft
by Jason Ditz, August 01, 2012
Reports coming out of Syria today suggest that the Free Syrian Army has been given approximately two dozen shoulder mounted surface-to-air missiles to use against Syrian warplanes, the first time the rebel faction has acquired such weaponry.
The arms were apparently delivered to the rebels by Turkey, though whether they provided them directly or they were “gifted” by way of one of the many Gulf states also pouring cash and weaponry into the rebellion is unknown.
A Free Syrian Army spokesman denied that the missiles had been delivered, but claimed that the faction had a “surprise” for the Syrian military, which it is currently fighting across the northern portion of the country.
The Obama Administration is not believed to be involved in this particularly effort to arm the rebels, and US officials have expressed concern that the addition of SAMs to the rebel arsenal could have unforeseen consequences, and that the rebels might attack civilian aircraft in the area as well as warplanes.

A Free Syrian Army spokesman denied that the missiles had been delivered, but claimed that the faction had a “surprise” for the Syrian military, which it is currently fighting across the northern portion of the country.
The Obama Administration is not believed to be involved in this particularly effort to arm the rebels, and US officials have expressed concern that the addition of SAMs to the rebel arsenal could have unforeseen consequences, and that the rebels might attack civilian aircraft in the area as well as warplanes.
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