Saturday, May 26, 2012

#Homs #Syria:#AlJazeera Involved In The Killing Of Syrians (GRAPHIC)

Uploaded by on 30 Nov 2011

The Gulf Wahhabis continue their war against Syria... They send terrorists, weapons and money in order to carry out terrorist activities on the Syrian soil...

Along with terrorism they use their dirty channel Al-Jazeera to fabricate news about Syria...

The nomads of the gulf aim only to cause more bloodshed in Syria to satisfy their bloody Wahhabi instincts...

Al-Jazeera is directly involved in the terrorism carried out around the world... We already know that Al-Jazeera has its connections with Al-Qaeda... Most of the footage related to Al-Qaeda have been broadcast exclusively on Al-Jazeera... Every new video of Osama Ibn Laden we saw first on Al-Jazeera... A lot of interviews with the terrorist leaders in Afghanistan were held by Al-Jazeera...

From Afghanistan to Morocco Al-Jazeera has its connections with the terrorism and terrorists wherever they are...

The Syrian National TV broadcast a few days ago confessions of the terrorists who were caught in flagrante delicto as they were trying to dump a number of dead bodies...

Al-Jazeera as usual proved to be the God of lies and hypocrisy... They broadcast footage similar to the one broadcast by the Syrian National TV, and claimed that the Syrian security forces killed the victims then forced their friends to confess to killing them...

However Al-Jazeera broadcast the rest of the video, a part that was not broadcast by the Syrian National TV, because the Syrian TV didn't have it... A part was of course recorded by the terrorists themselves and from different angles then delivered to Al-Jazeera...