Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Hysterical Western Propaganda - Spreading Lies On WMD's To Justify An Invasion.

by Alexander Higgins

As NATO’s proxy terrorists collapse in both Damascus and Aleppo, Israel and Turkey prepare impending attack.

Hysterical propaganda has increasingly amplified since early Monday when the Syrian government’s Foreign Minister Jihad Makdissi insisted that if Syria had any unconventional weapons, they would be under strict security and only used against foreign aggression. Makdissi went on to clarify further his statement by insisting that his comments in no way implied Syria even has such weapons.

Despite this, the Western media has begun the all too familiar WMD-mantra, heard in the lead up to Iraq, where bold-faced lies and fabrications based on knowingly dubious intelligence sources, were picked specifically to tell the narrative the West sought to sell the public,.
The culmination of propaganda campaign verses the government and people of Iraq, of whom over 2 million died between sanctions leading up to the war and the West’s invasion and occupation, was the West’s primary intelligence source, Rafid Ahmed Alwan al-Janabi, codenamed “Curveball,” admitting that ” I had the chance to fabricate something to topple the regime.” In other words, as the Guardian puts it in the title of their article, Defector admits to WMD lies that triggered Iraq war.”

Now in Syria, we have another “defector,” the discredited, defected Syrian ambassador to Iraq, Nawaf Fares, clearly fabricating fantastical tales to both undermine the Syrian government, and give the West the impetus it needs for wider military intervention – especially since NATO’s proxy “Free Syrian Army” has suffered catastrophic defeats in both Damascus, and now Aleppo. Fares claimed that he knew Syria’s weapons were being mobilized, and that the government planned on using them....read more
