Saturday, July 21, 2012

Syria Roulette: Washington's Dirty Hands Are All Over Wednesday's Assassinations.

In Las Vegas, the house seldom loses. Rarely are dirty Washington schemes foiled. It’s playing hardball against Syria.

by Stephen Lendman

Its dirty hands are all over months of violence. In a July 18 press briefing, State Department spokesman Patrick Ventrell refused to condemn Wednesday’s cold-blooded killings.

Syrian Defense Minister Dawood Rajiha, his deputy General Asef Shawkat, and Assistant Vice President General Hassan Turkmani died.

Dawood Rajiha, General Asef Shawkat, General Hassan Turkmani
A terrorist bombing killed them at Damascus National Security headquarters. At the time, a ministerial, military, and security meeting was in progress. Others attending were injured.

Pressed for an answer on whether the Obama administration believes killing high-level Syrian officials is good or bad, he stressed only that Washington is:

“focused on ending the bloodshed. It is the Assad regime that, in slaughtering its own people, has created these chaotic conditions….(W)e want a peaceful, orderly transition.”

In other words, cold-blooded murder is OK as long as it advances America’s imperium. Uncooperative countries will be ravaged. Body counts don’t matter. Top officials are fair game. So are all imaginable lawless tactics.

Washington’s dirty hands are all over Wednesday’s attack. Death squad diplomacy is prioritized. Hillary Clinton warned about a price to be paid.

Unexplained was that it’s far beyond murdering officials. Turning Syria into a charnel house is planned. Daily death squad killings increase body counts. Western and perhaps Qatari special forces as well as intelligence operatives direct them.

Satellite and other communications aid them. Taking the battle to Damascus streets ups the stakes. Scurrilous propaganda conveys the impression that the Assad’s government is collapsing. Insurgent attacks alone can’t defeat him.

Only body counts increase. Civilians and security forces suffer most.

All sorts of spurious reports circulate. Fake videos are used. Al Jazeera uses footage produced on a Qatar sound stage. Isolated images distort the larger picture. Disreputable sources are cited.

Al Jazeera claimed “the latest developments” reflect a “turning point” in the conflict. “The prestige of the regime has been shattered. Losing control of Damascus (means) the regime is slowly losing its grip over the country.”

Nonsense! more